I am your ONE
I am your ONE but you never saw me. I never left you. I was there all the time. I waited for you but you never came. You helped others but did not help your ONE, your other self. Yes, I am your ONE and vowed to be. I needed to be rescued but also left a part of me. I needed to be saved but You didn't protect me. I looked to you for protection but you were not there. My spirit moans for you but you did not hear it. I called you but you did not answer. I am your wound that need to be dressed. You lie next to me but you're never there. I talked and listened to the dark energy because my other self wasn't there. I let it abide in me because my ONE spirit was not there dwelling in me. I yearn for the radiant flow of your; my ONENESS energy but there was no flow of light. You were the shield and the sword for others but left me naked. I miss my other me because I am not complete.
We went before the Divine Creator as TWO but we left as ONE. We're traveling the same path but yet we lost our way. I can't see you for the FOG of confusion and pain; as it is thick and suffocating. I can't breathe without you because you are my ONE. I feel empty because my ONE is connected to my lifeline. Yet, Darkness found me as I was grieving for the LOVE of my ONENESS. You forgot, I'm your ONE before we had our legacy of children. I desperately need to be ONE with you as my spirit weakens with loneliness. I took comfort in darkness because you weren't there. I let the darkness in because I thought he, the darkness was my friend. He talked to me when I needed someone to talk to. He listened to me when I needed someone to listen to. He wrapped his arms around me when I needed to be held. I needed the warmth of a touch but your touch was not there. I looked for your flow of energy but the energy was not there. I reached for your hand but your hand was no where to be found. I was lost when you found me. Now, that I'm back in your arms again, I can't feel your arms. I'm broken from all of the loneliness. Though you clothe me, I still feel naked. You were granted the radiant light of energy that flowed at the altar but yet you laid it to the side. I talked with the Divine Creator and he said, we became TWO. We let the wiles of the darkness take our radiant flow of energy.
The Divine Creator said, we gave darkness access because we fight as TWO. When we yield to The Divine Creator, I am in You, You are in ME, and We abide in him, the Divine Creator; thereby, making us ONE to overthrow the dark forces. Darkness has not power over us when we exercise our given divine Birth Right. Darkness can't hurt us no more, once we find our way back to the altar. The Divine Creator told us to keep our eye on him and darkness can not cross over into the realm of LOVE; and break the energy bond that we share as ONE.
We have the Ultimate POWER and AUTHORITY when we become and operate as ONE. When my other self, my other ONE took his eye off of me, then, my ONE took his eye off of the Divine Creator; because we are ALL operating as ONE when we're connected to the Divine Creator.
I needed to be rescued and you found me. Now that you found me, where are you? I am forever your ONE!
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