GOD breathe Power into Man and Man became a Living Being. GOD breathe power in Me. He gave me some of his energy. This is the energy we tap into that the enemy say:(what you put into the Universe, you get back or the power of healing through the thought patterns; the thoughts in your mind) all of which comes from some other force, not GOD. I tell you, this energy is because of the breath that GOD breathe into each one of us. The universe and all that is within it, all belongs to the creator, GOD.
When your eyes are open and you embark on the truth and exercise your FAITH, i.e, believing you can do it; we are then, truly in GOD's image possessing what he has freely given to us. We have the power just as he said. The enemy knows this and keeps us in the darkness by shielding the truth. Through unbelief, we are ignorant of the truth. Once man taps into this power and begin to think if one believe what one set out to, one will obtain prosperity. We, Man, thinks he is the master of his own destiny. Remove your blinders and know that we possessed this power before when GOD imported that power into Man and man became a living being. He gave it freely to us in the beginning before the fall of man.
When darkness enter into the earthly realm through Man's error, a divider came between Man and GOD. No longer was Man Man, Man became man. Jesus came so that you can remove the divider and access GOD. Jesus was and is the truth and the truth was revealed to us. You already have power because GOD breathe it into Man. Believe and know where the power come from. So when you tap into the power and say richness come by what you put into the universe, then the enemy is telling you that you are doing it and don't need GOD (Scientology beliefs). But know that GOD gave you the power when the breath of life enter into Man but man's error and wanting to be more knowledgeable, more anxious and wanting to know and be in the "right now"mode as what the fallen angels did shielded us from the TRUTH, GOD. He, the fallen one, wanted to be more like GOD; more knowledgeable. This shielded our communication with GOD. But GOD is so holy and loves us that he wants to talk to man directly. GOD wants man to know one of the secrets, which is Power dwelling within that's already existing within but with man's error that was stripped from him by the devil himself, by power of persuasion, a shield came upon Man. The trickster, who didn't want you to know Power, shielded us from light and darkness set in. The devil know the truth and therefore put a shield, darkness between GOD and Man, his creation. So with this shield, you are fooled and don't realize you already have the power dwelling in you.
Anything GOD spoke out and touched, Power was behind it; so why not his breath. It's a mighty wind, can be calming or a funnel in the sky in form of a tornado or breath over water in the form of a hurricane. That's energy, Power, Power, Power. The same breathe over the sky and water is the same Power GOD spoke into You. We possess it! GOD's Power. But the devil deceived Man through his inner man, the Woman which by the shield was created. This shield is even between the relationship between man and woman in marriage and between the relationship with children, i.e., rebellion. It's the enmity between us which all is what this shield is .
GOD loves us. He gave us a way out. Call on the name of Jesus. GOD came down and through Jesus, he removed the shield. Truth shall set you free. Free yourself, your MIND. Remove the blinders and take your rightful place in the LIGHT. POWER is dwelling in Man. Power lies within each of us and we tap into it by calling on Jesus. When we discover it without tapping into Jesus, we become vain by thinking man is doing it. This is the misuse of Power. Know Power is already there dwelling within each one of us because GOD breathe Power into Man. It was already established with our forefathers Adam, Abraham, and Issac. Genesis 2:7 Breathe into Man, the breath, the spirit; spirit of life became a living being.
With Power comes great responsibilities. Exercise your Power and be the Master over your circumstances. We are heirs of the Power. Go create and spread the WORD, POWER, and the TRUTH! Sealed by the name of JESUS!!!! Now say Thank you Jesus for the Power you put in me.